NCS-R study finds Anger as the major cause of increasing firearm violence in … – The Westside Story

May 24, 2015 | 0 comments

The Westside StoryNCS-R study finds Anger as the major cause of increasing firearm violence in …The Westside StorySwanson suggests that firearms restrictions should focus on the behavioral predictors. For example, people with the background of misdemeanor violent physical attacks or multiple DUIs, should be checked. He also suggests that the discretion should be …Study: 1 In 10 Americans Has Anger Issues And Access To A GunWUNCHarvard Study Finds Anger Issues, Not Major Mental Illness, Tied To Gun ViolenceHuffington Post1 in 10 Americans Has Anger Issues and Access to Guns: SurveyPhilly.comall 53 news articles …read more
