Armed Neighbor Rescues Woman Tied Up and Beaten for Nearly a Day After Seeing Her Dragged by Suspect – USA Carry

Aug 9, 2024 | 0 comments

ALBION, MI — On Sunday, August 4, 2024, at approximately 4:40 PM, officers from the Albion Department of Public Safety (ADPS) responded to a distress call from the 200 block of S. Dalrymple Street, where a woman had escaped a prolonged domestic violence situation.

The female victim, who had been subjected to hours of physical abuse, managed to flee to a neighbor’s house for help. According to her account, the assault began late Saturday night and continued into Sunday afternoon, during which time she was tied up and beaten by a male suspect with whom she had been in a dating relationship. Upon arrival, ADPS officers observed that the woman had sustained extensive injuries, including bruises and lacerations covering much of her body and face. Concerned about her condition, they immediately called Albion Community Ambulance, which transported the victim to a nearby hospital for treatment of serious injuries, including potential broken bones.

The situation escalated further when the neighbor who had assisted the woman reported witnessing the suspect physically assaulting her near his home. The neighbor stated that when the suspect began dragging the woman away, he intervened by drawing his firearm and ordering the suspect to release her. Faced with the armed neighbor, the suspect fled the scene. The neighbor then contacted authorities to secure medical assistance for the injured woman.

As officers searched the suspect’s home, they found two children, ages 9 and 11, hidden in the basement. The children were unharmed and were safely turned over to relatives who arrived at the scene.

ADPS officers continued their search for the suspect into the following day. At around 5:00 PM on Monday, officers received a tip that the suspect had returned to the 200 block of S. Dalrymple Street. Officers responded swiftly and successfully apprehended the suspect without further incident.

In this case, the neighbor’s quick thinking and willingness to intervene with a firearm likely saved the woman from further harm. This incident underscores the importance of being vigilant and ready to protect those in need, particularly when someone’s life is in immediate danger. Additionally, it’s important to recognize that defensive gun uses (DGUs) don’t always involve the firearm being discharged. Often, simply drawing a firearm is enough to neutralize a threat, as seen here. These types of DGUs probably occur more frequently than reported and are often not included in firearm use statistics.

Read the original story: Armed Neighbor Rescues Woman Tied Up and Beaten for Nearly a Day After Seeing Her Dragged by Suspect

Source: Armed Neighbor Rescues Woman Tied Up and Beaten for Nearly a Day After Seeing Her Dragged by Suspect


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