Fenix Ammunition gets raided by the cops over mask violations. Will no longer sell to law enforcement agencies…

Jan 22, 2021 | 0 comments

Officer Matthew Chylaszek is a coward, and an oathbreaker.

Guess who isn’t doing business with law enforcement agencies ever again? pic.twitter.com/7OR7u5AQwq

— Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition (@FenixAmmunition) January 21, 2021

They used to, but they certainly aren’t any more, and that goes for EVERY department. We’re done with this shit.

— Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition (@FenixAmmunition) January 21, 2021

He was dispatched due to an “anonymous complaint” made by some Karen.

Yes – the police will show up to your business and harass you inside your own building due to anonymous mask complaints.

— Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition (@FenixAmmunition) January 21, 2021

Yes, $1,000

— Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition (@FenixAmmunition) January 21, 2021
