Gun Buyback Follies: Bloomington Police Burn Through $50,000 Only 30 Cars Into a Two Mile Long Line – The Truth About Guns

Oct 30, 2023 | 0 comments

In the latest instance of municipal “gun safety” theater, Bloomington, Illinois Police announced that they’d be collecting unwanted and unloved guns at a gun buyback Sunday morning. Thanks in part to TTAG and Guns Save Life publicity along with an assist from local media, they got a big response.

The BPD had a $50,000 grant from the State of Illinois for the even. It lasted less than three dozen cars into a two-mile-long line of cars, each filled with people waiting to grab some holiday cash.

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Source: Gun Buyback Follies: Bloomington Police Burn Through $50,000 Only 30 Cars Into a Two Mile Long Line


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