Malarkey out as CEO of X Products

Nov 9, 2020 | 0 comments


Feb 22 2018

Effective Immediately James Malarkey has been removed as CEO of X Products

Since inception X Products has been a strong advocate of 2A rights and Does Not support Mr Malarkey’s statements or any position that would suggest gun ownership is anything other than a right protected under the 2nd Amendment.

Mr Malarkey has been replaced as CEO by Dewey Akers, as acting CEO, effective immediately. Please refer all references for response to Mr Akers.

It is with sincere apology that X Products Senior Management finds it necessary to defend its position as a STRONG supporter of 2A Gun Rights.

The Senior Management has found it necessary to respond to this with our community of followers in a manner that removes any association with Mr Malarkey’s comments.

Mr Malarkey, or his comments, DO NOT reflect the position of X Products, its staff,or Industry Partners.

We have taken steps to insure we regain the respect of an industry that has been a support and source of growth for X Products and its staff.

I want to Thank you for understanding, this process has been difficult to execute and hope you will contact me personally with any questions about our transition.

Dewey Akers

