Wayne has become corrupt and has been using the NRA’s funds for his own self aggrandizement. He has surrounded himself with yes-men and lap-dogs that do his bidding and attack anyone who suggests that he needs to go. There is precious little in the way of protecting gun owner’s right that the NRA has accomplished since Wayne took over. He should have been taken out LONG AGO. I’ll give my money to the GOA or the Second Amendment Foundation. That way at least there will be REAL resistance to the gun grabbers.
My thoughts on the NRA and Wayne’s disgraceful actions!!
Wayne, You are personally destroying the NRA by your policies. You are an enemy to our 2nd Amendment, your interest in gaining power and money is more important to you than protect our 2nd Amendment rights!!
As a 27 year veteran of the Army as enlisted and officer, I took an oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. You are now setting yourself and the NRA as a domestic enemy of our 2nd Amendment, by looking out for your own needs rather than that of the NRA and 2nd Amendment.
I see you are stripping the committee assignments of a few of the board members that are truly looking out for rights and the membership priorities. It looks like Tim Knight, Esther Schneider, and Allen West have been stripped of committee assignments! The only thing they are in fault for is standing up for what I want, I have personally spoke to each one about the direction of the NRA and let them know the changes that are needed. Change one, no compromise to the 2nd Amendment.
You aligning the organization with President Trump is not the direction we need to go. President Trump is most anti-2A President in our history, the President directed DOJ, non legislative, Bump Stock ban and now looking to ban suppressors are the worst anti-2A actions in our history. The NRA did nothing! We have slid almost completely down the slippery slope.
Not another dime of my hard earned money will go to the NRA until change occurs.
I implore the Board of Directors to turn the organization around. I have been a member of the NRA for more than 20 years and am currently a Patron lifetime member (150092601). As of now I will no longer support the NRA with any outward support or my money. Again, I will no longer give anymore money to the NRA. The organization is becoming a disgrace in the fight for gun rights. The NRA has allow the most overreaching anti 2A regulations in our history to go into effect without a fight. This is a disgrace! The same day the DOJ released the bump stock regulation the NRA posts/tweeted about coolers!! WTF!!! You allowed a “republican” president to dictate gun policy without congressional interaction. The most egregious anti-gun regulations in my lifetime going to effect without the say of the citizenry.
We are now falling down the slippery slope, soon the next regulation is to specifically suppressors, and then ban semi-auto firearms by re-classifying them as machine guns, semi-autos will now fall into the definition of machine guns.
Wayne, You failed in the mission of your Organization! Where are the NRA legal cases concerning the bump stocks? What is NRA doing about this rule — unlegislation?
The NRA is spending millions of dollars of our members dues to line the pockets of friends and families of the organization executives. It is time for Susan LaPierre to stop running the NRA and Wayne to be replaced. I am sick and tired of the Wayne/Susan LaPierre nepotism and cronyism in an organization that should be spending it’s money on fighting anti-gun legislation first and foremost. The mentality of the “Old white fudd only caring about shotguns for hunting” has to go! All anti-gun regulations hurt the citizenry, irrelevant to your interests.
What I want changed! 1) No compromise to the 2nd Amendment, unlike allowing the bump stock ban to go into effect. 2) Wayne LaPierre replaced immediately. 3) Term limit on Executive Vice President 4) Change the bylaws to require board members to mandatory attendance to all meetings. 5) Release the attendance records of all board members. 6) Mandatory term limits on all board members 7) Board of Director candidates are all put on ballot by member petition only. 8) Election Process of board members is archaic, use technology for elections.
9) The NRA needs to us its resources to organize rallies and marches on the state & federal capitals.
Its time the NRA got back more into teaching gun safety for all and less crap about Bump stocks, Silencers, exploding targets and all the stuff that triggers the anti gun people to have a melt down. Don’t give them stuff to complain about and the anti gun people will have less of a loud mouth that only harms lawful, law abiding people and does NOTHING to prevent criminal minded people from committing criminal acts. Just about everyone with half a brain now knows that being a criminal means you DO NOT OBEY THE LAW if it goes against what your want or intend to do. W.L. has shown that his views are not in line with many if not most gun owning Americans. He thinks by being such a pro gun on everything, he is right on everything.
I am not in favor of bump stocks, silencers for handguns and exploding targets that I can’t use in my state anyway so whats the point?
I have never been a fan of the business practices condoned by the NRA. “Free stuff” from China should not be used to entice membership. That money should be going towards supporting the 2nd Amendment.
That said, I held my nose every year and paid my dues in the hope they were doing the right thing.
I also find it odd that voting privileges are reserved for lifetime members; if you are a member in good standing, shouldn’t you be able to vote?
In conclusion, Wayne LaPierre might be innocent of all charges since it is a bunch of he said, she said. I personally think he is culpable in all of the mis-dealings going on. If Wayne’s heart was in the right place, he should step down to get the NRA on the right track.
The only reason I have donated to the NRA is because they serve a role as the big bad boogeyman our candidates and electeds take pot shots at, which leaves the GOA and SAF more room to operate more effectively in lobbying our Congresscritters and fighting cases in court. But the NRA tactic of ceding concessions to the gun grabbers, in dribs and drabs, in an effort to appease them and hope the scraps will just shut them up has only served to embolden them and spawn yet more gun grabber groups. See the NFA. Enough already. I’m ready for the NRA to have a fresh, fearless and bold leadership that will go after Bloomberg, Murphy and Swalwell with no holds barred.
LaPierre has stated his support for the following: Restriction on “bump-fire” type rifle stocks. Bans on fully automatic firearms. “Red Flag laws”.
I’ve been a Life Member since the 80’s and I’ve seen nothing but more & more infringement on my rights.
Sold out on banning components. Sold out on Red Flag laws. Has done nothing on National Reciprocity. Nothing happening on the Hearing Protection Act.
At a time when we should be aggressively regaining infringed portions of our inherent rights Wayne is leading in the opposite direction. Essentially giving away the store while he lines his own pockets.
We need Larry & Eric Pratt to take over.. we need to engulf all the members of Gun Owners of America and merge.. Finally all the lukewarm NRA members need to hit the bricks! The NRA needs to become a no compromise organization!
“lukewarn NRA members need to hit the bricks”
Nice…keep fomenting that dissention and division…really good tactic, if you are a leftist.
You’re damn right lukewarm members need to hit the bricks!! I guess you missed the reports of leftist infiltrating the ranks of the NRA to steer gun policy from within.. we need strictly pro-gun activist in the NRA!! We don’t need people from everytown usa and the Brady campaign working their way in.. tell them to form their own damn group.. the second amendment protects more than just their deer rifles and Grandpa’s shotguns Sir!!
Getting all uppity isn’t going to get you anywhere. There are all types of gun owners…we represent all of them. Not just the uppity, wound up types, like you. Its called opening ours doors to any who believe in the 2nd…not just the rabid dogs. Inclusivity…word of the day.