2015 NRA Annual Meeting & Mike Detty Guns Across The Border

Mar 7, 2016 | 0 comments

Operation Wide Receiver Author Mike Detty 2015 NRA Annual Meeting: Nashville, TN April 10-12, 2015! Hank Strange Live Chat with Mike Detty author of Guns Across the Border and other guests including Chris Green of Green Force Tactical, MR.YacYas of GTR Munitions, stoneguy223 and Beard Almighty of Tactical Fringe. Talking about Operation Wide Receiver, the ATF, the debut of the Glock 43 an other gun stuff.visit https://instagram.com/hankstrange/ to participate in our Holster Giveawayhttps://www.facebook.com/GunsAcrossTheBorderwww.greenforcetactical.comhttps://www.youtube.com/user/stoneguy223https://www.youtube.com/user/MrYACYAShttp://www.nraam.org/Show Your Support for the Hank Strange Situation, Visit Our Patreon Page: http://www.patreon.com/hankstrangeAmmo Provided by GTR Munitions: http://www.gtrmunitions.comAndrews Custom Leatherwww.andrewsleather.comhttp://instagram.com/andrewscustomleather(386) 462-0576 Lifestyles of the Locked & LoadedThe …read more
