About Face: DC City Council Decides Defunding the Police May Have Been a Horrible Mistake – The Truth About Guns

Nov 27, 2023 | 1 comment

Washington, D.C.’s city council in the summer of 2020 voted to slash millions from the police budget. Now, as homicides surge in the nation’s capital, liberal council members want more cops.

After D.C. saw 13 homicides in just the first five days of August, left-wing council members Brianne Nadeau and Phil Mendelson touted their efforts to secure more resources for police, with Nadeau especially stressing the city’s “hot spots.” Those efforts mark a stark turnaround for the council members, both of whom voted to cut $15 million from the city’s police budget at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement in the summer of 2020.

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Source: About Face: DC City Council Decides Defunding the Police May Have Been a Horrible Mistake

1 Comment

  1. thesheriffisnear

    mayor bow-wow gotsta let de dindus run free


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