Armed with AR-15, Man Sleeping in Truck After Argument Fatally Shoots Attempted Burglar – USA Carry

Feb 14, 2024 | 0 comments

HOUSTON, TX – In Harris County, Texas, a man found himself in a self-defense incident after deciding  to sleep in his truck after an argument with his girlfriend. Around 3 a.m., at an apartment complex, he was awakened by an intruder attempting to burglarize the truck. The intruder, who had been burglarizing vehicles, unknowingly entered the occupied truck.

Armed with an AR-15 rifle, the truck’s occupant shot the intruder multiple times, resulting in his death at the scene. It was later revealed that the deceased suspect had a Glock pistol and a screwdriver suspected of being used in other break-ins that night.

The incident serves as a stark example of the necessity for preparedness and the right to self-defense, especially when the potential for an armed confrontation exists. The shooter is fully cooperating with authorities, and the case will be presented to a grand jury for review. This underscores the importance of responsible gun ownership and the serious nature of using lethal force in self-defense situations.

Read the original story: Armed with AR-15, Man Sleeping in Truck After Argument Fatally Shoots Attempted Burglar

Source: Armed with AR-15, Man Sleeping in Truck After Argument Fatally Shoots Attempted Burglar


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