William Bethards Hank Strange Talking Precision Guns, Ballistics and Gun Philosophy with William Bethards of The History Channel’s Top Shot Seasons 4 and 5. Included in this video are: Pardini Mechanical 22 LR, Wadcutter Pistol .45 Auto Pistol, Cabot 1911 Bullseye .45 ACP Pistol, Smith & Wesson Model 41, .22 LR Russian TOZ-35M Competition Pistol, and a Hammerli Model 480.http://www.history.com/shows/top-shot/cast/william-bethardsShow Your Support for the Hank Strange Situation, Visit Our Patreon Page: http://www.patreon.com/hankstrangeAndrews Custom Leatherwww.andrewsleather.comhttp://instagram.com/andrewscustomleather(386) 462-0576Lifestyles of the Locked & LoadedThe Hank Strange Situation : a YouTube Gun Channel Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe :)https://www.hankstrange.com https://www.facebook.com/HankStrangehttp://instagram.com/hankstrange#https://twitter.com/hankstrangePardini Mechanical 22lr with Aimpoint Micro …read more