Concern Kalashnikov Touts AK-12 as Preferred Contender for Russia's “Warrior” Small Arms Lead

Oct 15, 2020 | 0 comments

The Russian Defense Ministry completed state tests and will make their choice between the Concern Kalashnikov AK-12 and the AEK-971 from the Dehtiarivska Plant. Deputy Chairman of the board for the Military-Industrial Commission Oleg Bochkarev noted that the AK-12 and AEK-971 offer similar technology but the Kalashnikov model performed better on several indicators. He states, “It is important that the weapon is simple, cheaper in price, and more suited for mass production. If you compare these characteristics, they will be very important to make a decision that will go in the series. The AK-12 is preferred, but the decision is …read more
