Gun Banner Eric Holder: Inability to Pass Gun Control My 'Single Failure' –

Feb 27, 2016 | 0 comments

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AmmoLand.comGun Banner Eric Holder: Inability to Pass Gun Control My ‘Single Failure’AmmoLand.comWashington DC – -( On Sunday, MSNBC aired Melissa Harris-Perry’s interview of Attorney General Eric Holder and he said the “single failure” of his tenure as AG was the failure to secure gun control. In the interview, anti gun reporter …Eric Holder: Inability to Pass Gun Control My ‘Single Failure’Breitbart NewsEric Holder’s Biggest Failure: Gun ControlPatriot PostAttorney General Eric Holder Discusses Influential Black Women In His Life …Essence.comHot Airall 18 news articles …read more


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