GARLAND, ME — In a shocking pre-dawn incident on January 14, 2025, a homeowner in Garland used a firearm to stop an attack by a man operating a stolen front-end loader. The incident, which caused extensive property damage, resulted in the arrest of the suspect, Michael Thompson, 37, of Corinna, after he fled the scene.
According to the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office, the situation began around 5:30 a.m. when the Penobscot Regional Communications Center received a report of individuals stealing a front-end loader from a nearby gravel pit on Upper Notch Road. The machine was soon driven to a nearby residence, where Thompson reportedly began ramming vehicles parked in the driveway and attempting to break through the house itself.
Faced with the destruction and clear threat of harm, the residents exited the home and fired several rounds at the loader in self-defense. The vehicle then reversed out of the driveway and fled across a field and into nearby woods.
At approximately 6:10 a.m., law enforcement received another report of the stolen loader being driven on Center Road in Charleston. Officers located the machine and took Thompson into custody after he surrendered without further incident. Authorities discovered he had been shot and transported him to a local hospital for treatment. Upon release, Thompson was arrested and booked into the Penobscot County Jail.
The investigation remains ongoing, with potential additional charges pending.
Self-Defense Tip: Responding to Unusual Threats
This case highlights that a deadly threat doesn’t always come in the form of a person wielding a traditional weapon. In this instance, the use of a front-end loader to destroy vehicles and attempt to breach a home clearly constituted a deadly threat, justifying the use of defensive force. It’s important for homeowners to assess threats quickly, ensuring their response aligns with the laws of their state. Always be mindful of your local laws regarding the use of force and maintain a clear understanding of what constitutes an imminent threat to life or safety.
Read the original story: Homeowner Uses Firearm to Stop Man in Front-End Loader Destroying Vehicles and Attempting to Ram Their Home