NRA Leaders Warn Members of Looming Gun-Control Efforts – ABC News

Mar 7, 2016 | 0 comments

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Media Matters for America (blog)NRA Leaders Warn Members of Looming Gun-Control EffortsABC NewsLeaders of the National Rifle Association on Saturday cited the new Republican majority in the U.S. Senate as evidence of the group’s political clout, but warned of looming gun-control efforts in the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency. Wayne …NRA To Host “Marquee” Event In A “Gun-Free Zone” After Describing Such …Media Matters for America (blog)Rand Paul’s big gun grift: What’s really behind his feud with the NRASalonNRA in a bind over children’s gun-deathsStaunton News LeaderNational Review Online -Huffington Post -Washington Postall 408 news articles …read more


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